• Center for Excellence in Research

  • 17 Years

    Over 20 Years of experience in
    regenerative and cellular therapy.

  • Read
    experience with
    regenerative medicine

  • The Center Uses The
    Latest Technology

Inviting Staff

Our staff understands you are in pain, and we know we need to be just as freindly as healing.

Latest Technology

The center is equiped with the latest diagnostics technology.

Experienced Staff

When only the best can be considered, the center is the place to turn.

The Center for Regenerative Medicine

The Center for Regenerative Medicine in Miami, Florida concentrates on helping Patients to get back to a functional level of life and their activities using Regenerative medicine. The center’s expertise is in treatment of conditions of Neurological, Ophtomological and Orthopedics. We have developed and teach therapies focused on treatment and management of patients in need of Regenerative medicine. Our team includes health professionals organized around a central theme.

The Center for Regenerative Medicine includes a team of dedicated professionals. Major players including Global icons, world champions, sports legends, Pro athletes, amateur athletes, dancers and people with just plain arthritis come to the Center for regenerative medicine from around the world, using our facility to improve their conditions.

Physician Program
  • Mentorship program for Physicians Only.
  • We will take you through the procedure step by step.
  • We will help you with the required knowledge.
  • We will use skype as mode of communication and learning.
  • You will have access to over 20 years' worth of experience and successful protocol.
Learn About Physician Program

Published Studies

published studies

Published studies and citations in major medical journals, and continues to conduct clinical research. The Center for Regenerative Medicine has an ongoing commitment to stay on top of the latest developments in the medical community. The following research have provided great insight and push forward our understanding of these medical topics.

Read Published Studies
Watch Rose's Experience

"The Knee Diaries" A Global information source dedicated to people with Arthritis and Sports injuries, based on actual cases of Arthritis and Sports injuries seen and treated at The Center For Regenerative Medicine.

testimonial nabil albusdi

Adventurer Nabil Albusdi - Injured on Mt. Everest

"Within four weeks I was able to walk almost ten hours pain-free ten minutes... I can't recommend the place highly enough."

Watch Nabil's progress
Americans with RA
Social Participation Restriction
Children with Arthritis
Arthritis in US